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2v2 Inspired Construction Site

UE5.2, Blockout Tools, "Interaction with ALS"

Blockout, Level Flow, Lighting

Ghost Recon - Target Escort

UE4, Blockout Tools, Ubisoft Design Test

Blockout, Level Flow, Multiple entrances

Static - Vertical Slice

UE4, Horror Engine, Blockout Tools

Puzzle, Explore, Blockout, Horror, Atmosphere

Professional Projects

Affected: The Asylum

Junior Game Generalist at Fallen Planet (2021-2022)

At my first industry job, I have had the privelage to get some hands on experience on VR. Working on the title I mainly worked on level roles with design elements - alongside multiple roles such as Blocking Out Level plans, Prop Modelling/Texturing, in-detail architecture to visualise block outs to look interesting.
The game's release date is set for Q3 2024


Unnanounced Dark Age Fantasy Title

Junior Game Designer at MilkyTea (2023-2024)

Worked on an unannounced title at Milky Tea as a Junior Game Design role focused around dark age fantasy elements. During this time I did Game Design documents, Level design amongst multiple themes, game interactive placements (enemy/elemental assets), Environment/Market research & Quality Assurance 


Grit and Valor: 1949

QA at MilkyTea (2023-2024)

Alongside working on a Dark Age Fantasy title, I also contributed to another title which is currently in development for brief QA. We undertook frequent testing phases to ensure the game is in a playable state, alongside helping fellow designers on the project in regard to feedback & creation. 

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